Which ‘Rational Kernel’? «Which ‘Mystical Shell’? A Contribution to the Debate on the Connection between Hegel’s Logic and Marx’s Capital

Publicado en: En colaboración con Guido Starosta, en Fred Moseley y Tony Smith (eds.), Hegel´s Logic and Marx´s Capital. A Reexamination, Brill Academic Publishers, 2014, pp. 89-112
The chapter argues that in the Logic Hegel managed to discover the simplest form of existence of the real: the movement of affirmation through self-negation. As a consequence, he correctly presents the method of science as the systematic unfolding of the immanent life of the subject-matter. However, in so far as Hegel´s systematic dialectic begins with the simplest thought-form, his subsequent derivation of form-determinations unfolds a whole series of redundant categories which, from a materialist standpoint, correspond to the immanent necessity of pure thought only and do not express the inner movement of the simpler determinations of ´real material being´. The chapter further submits that an immediate reason behind that spurious starting point resides in his methodological procedure of ´extreme´ abstraction, which arbitrarily casts aside all particular determination until reaching a wholly empty universal. By contrast the chapter argues that Marx finds a materialist alternative to Hegel´s abstraction in dialectical analysis, which moves by searching for the more abstract or simple content of the concrete form he is immediately facing.

Gastón Caligaris

Gastón Caligaris

Doctor de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en Ciencias Sociales, Especialista en Docencia Universitaria para Ciencias Económicas, Profesor y Licenciado de Sociología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Docente-Investigador con dedicación exclusiva en la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes y la Universidad de Buenos Aries. Investigador Adjunto de la Carrera del Investigador Científico y Tecnológico de CONICET. Investigador en proyectos de investigación PUNQ y PICT en temas relacionados con el vínculo entre la economía y la política en la sociedad argentina contemporánea. He publicado libros, artículos y capítulos de libro en revistas y editoriales académicas sobre temas de teoría económica, economía argentina y producción agraria pampeana.